SFIPLA presents the Patent Year-in-Review highlighting pivotal District Court, Federal Circuit and Supreme Court patent rulings in 2022. Speaker: James Isbester, Partner, Kilpatrick [...]
THE SFIPLA HOLIDAY PARTY December 8th -La Mar Cebicheria Peruana- The SFIPLA will be holding a holiday gathering and networking event from 6-8 p.m. on Thursday, December 8th at La Mar Cebicheria [...]
The SFIPLA is pleased to announce a collaboration with the 2022 Global FRAND & SEP Symposium. The Symposium is an educational, agenda-neutral event that will explore a topic of foremost [...]
Please join the SFIPLA for a webinar discussing the varied possibilities and paths an IP litigation career can take. Our panelists are Diana Kruze (ADR by Diana, Judicate West), Deok Keun [...]
Registration Link On August 17, 2022, SFIPLA and the US Patent and Trademark Office will be co-hosting a virtual seminar regarding the USPTO’s Collaborative Search Program. This information [...]
Non-fungible tokens — mathematically unique, non-interchangeable units of data stored on digital ledgers (blockchains) and traded on digital exchanges — have become a billion-dollar [...]
The SFIPLA will hold a Summer Happy Hour 5-8 p.m. on Tuesday, June 14th at Gott’s Roadside in the San Francisco Ferry Building. For the safety of our community, we have reserved an outdoor patio [...]
25th ANNUAL SFIPLA BAY AREA JOB FAIR On Saturday, July 30, 2022, SFIPLA will host the 25th Annual SFIPLA Bay Area Job Fair for rising 2L and 3L law students. This year’s hybrid event is being [...]
The NYIPLA is pleased to announce the program, “Navigating Russian IP Issues” in collaboration with the San Francisco Intellectual Property Law Association (SFIPLA). This bicoastal [...]