28th ANNUAL SFIPLA BAY AREA JOB FAIR FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 2025 Location and details forthcoming CAREER SERVICES COORDINATORS: All accredited law schools in the United States are invited to [...]
Please join SFIPLA for this informative and resourceful presentation. Discussion topics will include: The Data Act is one of a suite of regulatory measures recently introduced in the EU which [...]
Join SFIPLA on October 9, 2024, at 6 p.m. in engaging PTAB Judges Janet Gongola and Ifti Ahmed and Chief Clerk Erica Swift to learn about the evolving practice before PTAB! Learn from the PTAB [...]
27th ANNUAL SFIPLA BAY AREA JOB FAIR Due to unfortunate circumstances, SFIPLA’s 27th Annual Job Fair has been cancelled. Please stay tuned for forthcoming details concerning the 28th [...]
The SFIPLA will hold a Summer Happy Hour 4:30-6:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 18th at Gott’s Roadside in the San Francisco Ferry Building. Summer is here! With many folks having students working [...]
Dave Tollen of Tech Contracts Academy will host a webinar on IP Terms in Contracts About AI, the Cloud and On-Premise Software: Licenses, Warranties, Open Source, and More. Topics covered [...]
Global IP Updates: Panel Presentation by Simoes IP (BR), Foundin IP (CN), and Viering et al. (ASEAN) Foreign Associates Greenberg Traurig, LLP and ASEAN Foreign Associates will be hosting [...]
Dave Tollen of Tech Contracts Academy will host a master class on End-Game and Special Clauses. This final series will address Termination, Open Source Software and More. Attendees can enroll in [...]
Dave Tollen of Tech Contracts Academy will host a master class on Key Liability Terms. This third series will include Indemnities, Warranties, and Limits of Liability. Attendees can enroll in all [...]
Dave Tollen of Tech Contracts Academy will host a master class on General Clauses. This second series will address Data Management, SLAs, Confidentiality, and other General Clauses. Attendees can [...]